“Generativity,” image by Marsha Rosenzweig Pincus
She was the whole thing; Talland House was full of her; Hyde Park Gate was full of her. I see now, though the sentence is hasty, feeble and inexpressive, why it was that it was impossible for her to leave a very private and particular impression upon a child. She was keeping what I call in my shorthand the panoply of life—that which we all lived in common—in being. I see now she was living on such an extended surface that she had not time, nor strength, to concentrate, except for a moment if one were ill or in some child’s crisis….
—Virginia Woolf
My whole life you never know who I am.
—Sokunthary Svay
You are coming into us who cannot withstand you.
You are coming into us who never wanted to withstand you.
You are taking us into places never planned.
You are going far away with pieces of our lives.
—Adrienne Rich
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