Burst Forth and Bloom


Our room is the WAVES.

A Room of Her Own’s long vision is to amass a multimedia mother archive of the collective memory and storied history of women artists and writers. Weaving the diverse voices of our radiant Waves Anthology together with newly-submitted creative work, responses to The Q, Global Camps, and more, each WAVES edition is a glittering droplet in this expansive project for the ages.

WAVES is not only our generative source for inquiry and dialogue, inviting new visual and literary responses wave upon wave, but our ongoing call to each other and the fluid space in which we work beyond boundaries. WAVES is circular, alive, and accessible to women around the globe who call themselves writers and artists.


“… in my heart [this piece] belongs to Waves and nowhere else.”
– Niloufar Behrooz

Do you have a piece whose heart belongs to WAVES?
Our open invitation to submit and receive is free.

With no limit to its future possibilities, we are publishing the Confluence of Women’s Voices anthology – section by section – in each monthly WAVES edition, digitizing all its permitted works in the form of an online book serialization.

We begin with Call Me Girl.


More About the Anthology




“Sisters” by Marianne Murdoch, section image for Waves: A Confluence of Women’s Voices


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Call Me Girl
[each title is a link to the individual work]


Unfettered by Melva Sue Priddy
The Grasshopper, the Hawk, and the Squash Vine by Felice Wyndham
Float by Wendy Miles
House Dolls by Salud Mora Carriedo
Eagle Girl by Claire McCabe
Kittens by Chloe DeFilippis
Space Invaders by Roxanna Bennett
Someone Blundered by Leonore Hildebrandt
Solitary Prism by Kathleen Hellen
Three-Legged Foal by Yania Padilla Sierra
The Gift of Veneer by Melva Sue Priddy
La Guapa by Marianela Medrano
Sunday Morning by Jeanne Bryner
My Father on His Deathbed by Cynthia Robinson Young
Sweater Girl by Darlene Taylor
Angels and Saints by Chloe DeFelippis
Because We Never by Emily Geminder
Spring by Chloe Honum
In a Shark’s Mouth by Nicole Lacy
The Difference Between a Child and Offspring by Melva Sue Priddy
Tulip Girl by Michel Wing
Ordinary Sophie by Karen Heuler
Safety by Kimarlee Nguyen
Fat Girl by Melissa Grossman
Kitchens by Michel Wing
Driving Home by Melissa Grossman
Downed Limb by Karen Skolfield
Bouncers by Linda Melick
Ethel Finds Money by Karen Heuler
Mothers by Chloe DeFelippis
Tanka for Precious and Angie and Vivian, in Particular by M. Nzadi Keita
On Shawano Lake by Lora Keller
Space by Lisa Rosenberg
My Father’s Coat by Christy O’Callaghan-Leue
The Third Thing by Kathleen Kelly
Bonfire Girls by Roxanna Bennett
Trash Day by Therese Halscheid
Chicharon by Salud Mora Carriedo
This Girl by Melissa Grossman
Sister’s Night Walk by Abbey Chew
Nice Girl by Cindy Lynn Brown
Entwined Moon by Lauren Triola
This Girl by Ellie O’Leary
Regina by Valerie Speedwell


Read the Full Section: CALL ME GIRL




“Thunderstorms Quench My Thirst” Seed Vessel by Melanie Kirby

This particular piece of my work is about protecting seeds. It is a seed saving vessel, that with sunlight and water, will burst forth with new life. It is a clay womb, that is incubating, and preserving seed stories, that can be shared and passed onto the next generation.


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I want the power to face beauty
and not look away


I want to say yes
and believe I deserve it


trauma says
stay small
turn away
you don’t belong


every day is a
decision to face it
and not drown in the fear


to come out
the mud


where I stand


a woman who
glows in the dark


“Woman Who Glows in the Dark” by Elizabeth Gade


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Author: A Room of Her Own

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