Magnolia 3 by Cynthia Yatchman
“Magnolia 3” by Cynthia Yatchman As a creative woman, my deepest need is: to do the work. Cynthia Yatchman’s Artist Statement: I identify as an artist and art instructor. As a former ceramicist, I bring some 3D focus to my 2D work. I primarily make paintings, prints, and collages, often using common latex house paint coupled with ink. These days I work primarily on my own art and do some teaching...
En El Jardin by Karina Puente
“En El Jardin” by Karina Puente, symbol of AROHO’s Global Summer Camp “En El Jardin translates to In The Garden. The Guardian of Imagination is our Guide. Welcome Sisters, Thank you for being here. Today, we appreciate how far we’ve come by enjoying a refreshing drink and refreshing the page. By taking a cool deep breath, in and out, we clear our minds long enough to enter through the...
Writing by Nina Pick
“Writing” by Nina Pick I was jealous of her writing, the only writing I have ever been jealous of. — Virginia Woolf, on Katherine Mansfield I was jealous of her writing, the only writing I have ever been jealous of. I was jealous she was writing, doing the writing I was jealous of. I was jealous that a part of me was writing while the other part was silent. I was jealous of the part that was not writing,...
Out of Chaos by Margarita Cortes
“Out of Chaos” by Margarita Cortes In sum, this work is about: That which is created out of chaos. Margarita Cortes Artist Statement: At nine I rendered photographic sketches, wrote plays in elementary school, and performed with my fellow pianists at the Carnegie hall chamber. I copied Rembrandt paintings and The Blue Boy, with appropriate confidence. Later I choreographed dance performances and taught...
Pandemic Journal #4 by Candace Richerson
“Pandemic Journal #4” by Candace Richerson As a creative woman, my deepest need is: To be remembered. Candace Richerson’s Artist’s Statement: I am a writer I am a poet. I am a journalist. I am an advocate. I am an historian. I capture those moments in collage, narrative, verse and photo. Living quarantined alone, with a project to keep me busy in my isolation. I have four completed journals...
Women Writers by Guliz Mutlu
“Women Writers” by Guliz Mutlu My hand-drawn illustration is dedicated to women writers. I used only pen as if they are writing. Guliz Mutlu’s Artist Statement: Poetess, artist, living in Turkey. As a francophone, she is the author of Les Paroles Saphiques (Les Éditions Apopsix, France, 2011) and four other published books. Her haiku in English are published by The Mainichi, Modern Haiku,...
Stream of Reason by Hilary Druley
“Stream of Reason” by Hilary Druley Hilary Druley’s Artist Statement: Currently, I paint as a way to focus my artistic energy and cope with my grief over the loss of my mother. Rather than using my typical monochromatic style, I’ve been using a wide array of bold colors in each piece and stepping out of my comfort zone artistically. My mom always inspired me – by her incredible art and by...
Should That Be Enough? by Cristina DeSouza
“Should That Be Enough?” by Cristina DeSouza I I was born from an anonymous womb. Have I told you as soon as it happened, I was injected into other people’s lives? That I never knew my mother’s lap and I can still hear my birth mother’s deep voice? Have I told you my adopted mother’s voice was more soprano? Have I told you I cried day and night to that unfamiliar voice who sang to me and rocked me in...
Still Life with Flowers by Beth Brown Preston
“Still Life with Flowers” by Beth Brown Preston For Momma “A good woman is not an artist by profession,” Momma warned me. “She does not waste her time writing immature poetry while surviving on the money she earns by dancing topless in a bar near Malcolm X Park. She educates herself, finds a good job – a teacher or librarian – and supports her husband and her children with the fruit of her career. When she retires...
Rooted Boundlessness by Lara Von Waldenburg
“Rooted Boundlessness” by Lara Von Waldenburg Lara von Waldenburg’s Artist Statement: Rooted Boundlessness is about the roots that support expansion. This speaks to my experience of grief, losing my mother 14 years ago. My foundation lost all grounding during the time of grief but has since evolved and transitioned into who I am today through healing the wounds of loss and finding truth. This...
The Fireside Secrets by Ailsa Cawley
“The fireside secrets,” by Ailsa Cawley You sat with me as a child saying that there were secrets Held in the fire’s flames Look for the answers there you’d urge The secret will reveal itself if you watch I watched and was watchful as I grew almost forgot The urgency of your message And something drew me back to the flames One night long after you passed I smelled perfume I smelled your scent as I...
Drenched in Emotions by Suchismita Das
“Drenched in Emotions,” by Suchismita Das Suchismita Das’ Creative Identity Statement: I’m a strong, independent, creative woman. I work so hard for everything in my life. My society doesn’t accept or support a full-time artist. Even my family thinks painting is better as a hobby. As a result, I am a Mechanical Engineer. But by the night I become the artist, the painter I always wanted to...
Sisters Dancing by Marie Jamieson
“Sisters Dancing,” by Marie Jamieson Marie Jamieson’s Artist’s Statement: Once, I called myself a writer, with gaze averted so as not to see doubt mirrored in the eyes of the receiver and with ears shut to hearing a derisive snicker. Once, I dreamed of being a sculptor, creating a statue for a piazza in Italy, and of being a great painter with artwork hung on a great wall, featured! These are...
Just As I Am by Amanda Patrick
“Just As I Am,” by Amanda Patrick Artist, Amanda Patrick, in response to the Q: Who am I as a creative woman? “My creative sweet spot is colored pencil art—a medium that satisfies my love of color, precision, & detail. My work is expressive, colorful, & strongly symbolic, with calligraphic & typographic elements. “Just As I Am” captures the importance of accepting & loving...
Late by Luna Palazzolo
“Late,” by Luna Palazzolo Artist, Luna Palazzolo, in response to the Q: What is your creative origin story? ”I was born and raised in Argentina, but now home is abstract since I moved to the US. My relation to art is exclusive to the intrigue that I feel towards what I can’t see: time and space.’’
redemption by Valerie Forde-Galvin
“redemption,” by Valerie Forde-Galvin goddess mother left us long ago her waters broke and we were thrust into a different world parched and dry and so we sought another god conceived entirely by the mind of man to rule the sky we see now this god that we created ravaging the earth bringing her to destruction this time not by water but by fire and though we send up prayers offering our sincere...
Statuary Glory by Janet Biehl
“Statuary Glory,” by Janet Biehl Janet Biehl is an author, editor, and artist, specializing in watercolor and pen-and-ink. Currently, her artwork supports the humanitarian campaign on behalf of Kurdish women to publicize the femicidal policies of the AKP/Erdogan regime in Turkey.
The Dream that Doesn’t Let Me Sleep by Nazia Kamali
“The Dream that Doesn’t Let Me Sleep,” by Nazia Kamali Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep. – Dr. Abdul Kalam Coming from a family of doctors, the only dream that I was allowed to nurture was one of becoming a doctor or – maybe, alternatively – that of being an engineer or civil servant. But the problem with those dreams was they made me...
LC Adventure by Laura Curran
“LC Adventure,” by Laura Curran For artist Laura Curran, life is about intersections: of crafts and fine arts; of tactile work and intellectual curiosity; and of history and memory. “I have a busy mind that has to do a lot of things,” said Curran, who lives in Northampton. “Craft was first for me, before fine art, although I don’t really make a distinction.”
“Raging Wave” by Carolyn Wright
“Raging Wave” by Carolyn Wright _________________________________ Carolyn Wright is an Alaska Native mother of two who resides in Washington state. She has been painting for three years and her artistic life is an example that no matter the obstacles to your dream you are faced with, don’t give up and you will see it pass. Her greatest joy is creating images that express authentic emotions and...