Writing by Nina Pick

Writing by Nina Pick

  “Writing” by Nina Pick   I was jealous of her writing, the only writing I have ever been jealous of. — Virginia Woolf, on Katherine Mansfield I was jealous of her writing, the only writing I have ever been jealous of. I was jealous she was writing, doing the writing I was jealous of. I was jealous that a part of me was writing while the other part was silent. I was jealous of the part that was not writing,...

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That Which is Created Out of Chaos

That Which is Created Out of Chaos

OUR WORK IS PROGRESS. Each one of us has the authority to speak urgently, moving beyond barriers to physical connection. Month after endless month, sister creatives have forged personal rooms spanning space and time. In competition at times with workplace productivity metrics, our children’s growth, and the tenuous safety of all, where does our creative well-being fit? Since 2019, WAVES has served as a vessel for our narratives and...

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What is A Room of Your Own?

What is A Room of Your Own?

“In an environment like mine, what may have seemed too lofty or ambitious in my character was absolutely needed to keep the heart from breaking and enthusiasm from extinction.” — Margaret Fuller, American journalist, editor, and advocate, The Letters of Margaret Fuller   Dear Creative Woman, In considering our ancestors and each other, Margaret’s letters and Virginia’s questions of utmost importance shape...

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Her Name is Waves

Her Name is Waves

Waves shapes her into us. With all we seek to manifest together, we aim for what Ellen McLaughlin describes as “a shore [we] have never visited.” We are excited to see our first Waves Anthology cresting toward a collective of advocates ready to receive her, moving her into the publication process and, eventually, our hands. Her name is Waves and she is 300 hundred women’s voices strong, both established and new,...

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Virginia Taps on Our Shoulder …

Virginia Taps on Our Shoulder …

  Virginia taps on our shoulder, reminding us: The room is yours, with whom are you going to share it, and upon what terms? This is the work of lifetimes, and this circle is a lifeline, especially when what we need is so much. We take heart in this season, holding new seeds in hand. We’re grateful to share this room with you.   View these women’s creative works in fuller excerpt and presentation...

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