image from “Dragging Virginia Woolf’s Body Out of the Ouse,” by Christy Sanford
To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is…at last, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away….
—Virginia Woolf
To come home you must learn echolocation, like a bat. Then you call your ownself out into the dark.
—Ruth Thompson
She’s through! She’s through! Into the abyss Into bliss a twist at the end of the road a translation dark night become the radiant way.
—George Ella Lyon
Dragging Virginia Woolf’s Body Out of the Ouse detail by Christy Sanford
“Dragging Virginia Woolf’s Body Out of the Ouse (detail),” by Christy Sanford...
Elegy to a Woman Writer, A Friend by Barbara Rockman
“Elegy to a Woman Writer, A Friend” by Barbara Rockman ...
Writing the Dress by Barbara Rockman
“Writing the Dress” by Barbara Rockman “I have written up and...
The Beginner by Janet Fitch
“The Beginner” by Janet Fitch She pulled her chair up to the...
Woman of Myriad Seeds by Margaret Stetler
“Woman of Myriad Seeds” by Margaret Stetler She has seeds she...
Adie by Jay Merill
“Adie” by Jay Merill I was staring at this peach on the fruit...
The Potential of Yellow Roses by Susan J. Erickson
“The Potential of Yellow Roses” by Susan J. Erickson I spent...
Selkie by Sandra Cross
“Selkie” by Sandra Cross To earn my way to the beach I have to...
Rebuilding the ’63 Beetle by Nancy Krim
“Rebuilding the ’63 Beetle” by Nancy Krim The engine needs...
On the Need to Re-establish Sovereignty Over My Own Heart by Trina Porte
“On the Need to Re-establish Sovereignty Over My Own Heart” by Trina...
The Last I Saw Mitsou by Karin Cecile Davidson
“The Last I Saw Mitsou” by Karin Cecile Davidson The last time...
Sleeping Under Snow by Susan Austin
“Sleeping Under Snow” by Susan Austin The gate is open so do...
Doors by Dawn Banghart
“Doors” by Dawn Banghart Each morning can start different or...
Women’s Work by Jude Rittenhouse
“Women’s Work” by Jude Rittenhouse I am ironing. Mother said...
Psalm of Fire and Water by Cristina Baptista
“Psalm of Fire and Water” by Cristina Baptista ...
Next to You, Permanence by Elizabeth Jacobson
“Next to You, Permanence” by Elizabeth Jacobson I wrapped the...
Horseshoe Crab Fandango by Nancy Krim
“Horseshoe Crab Fandango” by Nancy Krim Head to tail to back...
Summer at Twenty-One by Eva M. Schlesinger
“Summer at Twenty-One” by Eva M. Schlesinger I loved the air...
The Arbor of Chance by Peggy Dobreer
“The Arbor of Chance” by Peggy Dobreer ____________________...
Safe House by Jude Rittenhouse
“Safe House” by Jude Rittenhouse A child: eighteen months but...
A Village of Their Own by Niloufar Behrooz
“A Village of Their Own” by Niloufar Behrooz There is a small...
Mother of the Disappeared by Roz Spafford
“Mother of the Disappeared” by Roz Spafford From The Gospel...
Questions for the Angel Gabriel II by Anna Hundert
“Questions for the Angel Gabriel II” by Anna Hundert ...
The Ghigau Women by Sun Cooper
“The Ghigau Women” by Sun Cooper The Ghigau Women ᎩᎦᎤ, or the...
Village Shakti by Verena Tay
“Village Shakti” by Verena Tay (for Kamini Ramachandran) I,...
Isles of the Wise by Sharon Suzuki-Martinez
“Isles of the Wise” by Sharon Suzuki-Martinez Led by women...
Water Women by Alla Bozarth
“Water Women” by Alla Bozarth We do not want to rock the boat,...
Dogma by Cynthia Reeser
“Dogma” by Cynthia Reeser Everywhere you look, churches. A...
Where God Lives by Jeanne Bryner
“Where God Lives” by Jeanne Bryner It is hard to believe in...
Bring Me the God of Mrs. Garcia by Susan Kelly-DeWitt
“Bring Me the God of Mrs. Garcia” by Susan Kelly-DeWitt The...
The Vigil by Dipika Guha
“The Vigil” by Dipika Guha CHARACTERS: WOMAN: any age, true of...
At the Whaling Museum, Point Lobos by Ruth Thompson
“At the Whaling Museum, Point Lobos” by Ruth Thompson Let us...
Promise by Barbara Sullivan
“Promise” by Barbara Sullivan Age is the great unseen divider...
Karma by Felicia Mitchell
“Karma” by Felicia Mitchell Saving the sparrow whose small...
Beginning the Journey by Ruth Thompson
“Beginning the Journey” by Ruth Thompson Something is ended. ...
Why You’re Afraid of the Road by Charlotte Muse
“Why You’re Afraid of the Road” by Charlotte Muse There is...
October Ends by Marsha Howland
“October Ends” by Marsha Howland For Maureen, 1983-2014 ...
Plunge by Margaret Chula
“Plunge” by Margaret Chula The water felt neither warm nor...
Singing at the End by Molly Scott
“Singing at the End” by Molly Scott How do we know when that...
Cycle for Nembetsu Udori, Festival to Summon Ancestral Spirits by Judy Schavrien
“Cycle for Nembetsu Udori, Festival to Summon Ancestral Spirits” by...
Lady Lazarus by Jacqueline Doyle
“Lady Lazarus” by Jacqueline Doyle For Sylvia Plath That was...
Untitled jisei series by Shirley Plummer
“Untitled jisei series” by Shirley Plummer Based on Lewis...
Visit to Sete by Lynn Tudor Deming
“Visit to Sete” by Lynn Tudor Deming Long drive down the coast...
When the Moonlight by Berwyn Moore
“When the Moonlight” by Berwyn Moore in memory of Ann ...
Woman Waiting by Antonia Clark
“Woman Waiting” by Antonia Clark She ignores clocks and...
Old Woman by Ruth Rifka
“Old Woman” by Ruth Rifka Old woman, always you are the image...
There Was a Door by Leatha Kendrick
“There Was a Door” by Leatha Kendrick There was a door and her hand on its...