Stone Love by Joanna Clapps Herman


“Stone Love” by Joanna Clapps Herman


I search the river bed
Feeling for stones
Use only my toes

Curl my distal digits around
Pick them up with these unhands
Carry them with me

A punishment
For grief that,
Unworded cannot find tears.

This grief knows nothing
Recognizes nothing
Claims nothing
Is mute

I long for tears, but
I am uncreatured
A dull stone.



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Joanna Clapps Herman Artist Statement:

Joanna Clapps Herman’s publications include No Longer and Not Yet (2014) a collection
of short stories, The Anarchist Bastard (2011) a memoir: she is co-editor of two
anthologies, Wild Dreams (2008) and Our Roots are Deep with Passion (2006). A
forthcoming publication of non-fiction essays called Creature Life, SUNY Press, will be
published Spring 2018.


Author: A Room of Her Own

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