Gifts for Your Creativity and Sustenance
We invite you to refresh yourself with the possibilities of Gifts of Fellowship, designed to evoke creativity and sustenance for women who need a room, a reclamation, or a reawakening of her own. Because we share this space together as creative women, we have extended our fellowship offerings in a desire to dive deeper into our ethos of reciprocity, to create more intimate portraits of the gifts and of the generous women who offer...
Virginia Taps on Our Shoulder …
Virginia taps on our shoulder, reminding us: The room is yours, with whom are you going to share it, and upon what terms? This is the work of lifetimes, and this circle is a lifeline, especially when what we need is so much. We take heart in this season, holding new seeds in hand. We’re grateful to share this room with you. View these women’s creative works in fuller excerpt and presentation...
What Doors Do Ancestors Open?
No woman can emanate an archetype continuously. Only the archetype itself can withstand such projections such as ever-able, all giving, eternally energetic. We may try to emulate these, but they are ideals, not achievable by humans, and not meant to be.” – Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype Carolyn Gall begins with Eve in a world anew, while Irma Vazquez finds...
“Inheritance” by Sarah Deckro; “Passage” from Crone Wisdom by Valerie Forde-Galvin; “Alice the Queen of Hearts” by Camille Christian
“Inheritance” by Sarah Deckro I am a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States and have been raised by a family that observes multiple religions and world views. I am a writer, teacher and photographer with a passion for stories. I work as a preschool teacher in Boston, MA. – Sarah Deckro “Passage” from Crone Wisdom by Valerie Forde-Galvin raising you from infancy I make the...
We Are the Words
“We are the words; we are the music; we are the thing itself.” ― Virginia Woolf, Moments of Being We “are the words” and we are quickened by the truths women have claimed in the past year, echoing a resolute awareness of our creative selves, our collective wisdom, and our legacy. In 2019, we carry forward our shared purpose by expanding our collaborative narrative with The Q, preparing the Waves Anthology for...