“Girl” by Marilyn Flower
This poem was originally published as “Daughter” in 2017 in Down in the Dirt Magazine, and will soon be republished in the blog “In a Woman’s Voice.” My background and culture is Jewish-American, third generation. I teach “Life and Literature” in an Emeritus program at a community college. My mama’s favorite was her son who died, the boy I was born to replace. She lay in her bedroom and...
An Intimate Conversation with Linda Troeller
To create more intimate portraits of the gifts and of the generous women who offer them freely, and to better find each other, we are delighted to begin with a video conversation: artist and AROHO board member, Karina Puente, asks questions with renowned portrait photographer and published author, Linda Troeller, who is offering our community of women the Gift of Self-Reflection. Dear Creative Woman, Linda Troeller’s self-portraits...
“Memory of Evolution” by Kathy Bruce, Excerpted Prologue of “Potentially Human” by Jessica Jay Dee
“Memory of Evolution” by Kathy Bruce My work explores mythological female forms within the context of poetry, literature and the natural environment. I am the recipient of numerous awards including a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Fellowship, Fulbright-Hayes scholar grants to Peru and a Ford Foundation Grant. My work has been exhibited in the US, UK and internationally. – Kathy Bruce Find more of Kathy Bruce’s...
Her Name is Waves
Waves shapes her into us. With all we seek to manifest together, we aim for what Ellen McLaughlin describes as “a shore [we] have never visited.” We are excited to see our first Waves Anthology cresting toward a collective of advocates ready to receive her, moving her into the publication process and, eventually, our hands. Her name is Waves and she is 300 hundred women’s voices strong, both established and new,...
“Inheritance” by Sarah Deckro; “Passage” from Crone Wisdom by Valerie Forde-Galvin; “Alice the Queen of Hearts” by Camille Christian
“Inheritance” by Sarah Deckro I am a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States and have been raised by a family that observes multiple religions and world views. I am a writer, teacher and photographer with a passion for stories. I work as a preschool teacher in Boston, MA. – Sarah Deckro “Passage” from Crone Wisdom by Valerie Forde-Galvin raising you from infancy I make the...