“Girl” by Marilyn Flower
This poem was originally published as “Daughter” in 2017 in Down in the Dirt Magazine, and will soon be republished in the blog “In a Woman’s Voice.” My background and culture is Jewish-American, third generation. I teach “Life and Literature” in an Emeritus program at a community college. My mama’s favorite was her son who died, the boy I was born to replace. She lay in her bedroom and...
An Intimate Conversation with Linda Troeller
To create more intimate portraits of the gifts and of the generous women who offer them freely, and to better find each other, we are delighted to begin with a video conversation: artist and AROHO board member, Karina Puente, asks questions with renowned portrait photographer and published author, Linda Troeller, who is offering our community of women the Gift of Self-Reflection. Dear Creative Woman, Linda Troeller’s self-portraits...
Gifts for Your Creativity and Sustenance
We invite you to refresh yourself with the possibilities of Gifts of Fellowship, designed to evoke creativity and sustenance for women who need a room, a reclamation, or a reawakening of her own. Because we share this space together as creative women, we have extended our fellowship offerings in a desire to dive deeper into our ethos of reciprocity, to create more intimate portraits of the gifts and of the generous women who offer...
Her Name is Waves
Waves shapes her into us. With all we seek to manifest together, we aim for what Ellen McLaughlin describes as “a shore [we] have never visited.” We are excited to see our first Waves Anthology cresting toward a collective of advocates ready to receive her, moving her into the publication process and, eventually, our hands. Her name is Waves and she is 300 hundred women’s voices strong, both established and new,...
Virginia Taps on Our Shoulder …
Virginia taps on our shoulder, reminding us: The room is yours, with whom are you going to share it, and upon what terms? This is the work of lifetimes, and this circle is a lifeline, especially when what we need is so much. We take heart in this season, holding new seeds in hand. We’re grateful to share this room with you. View these women’s creative works in fuller excerpt and presentation...