Vanessa Diffenbaugh: Orlando Short Fiction Judge
I couldn’t have written The Language of Flowers without being a mother and a foster mother. But lately I’ve also been thinking about how the two—being a writer and a mother—sometimes feel like opposing forces. […] I don’t have advice, really, other than to try to honor both roles and to just keep going.—Vanessa Diffenbaugh AROHO is pleased to announce bestselling author of The Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh, as the...
Kristen Wolf: Orlando Flash Fiction Judge
“What is one resource you wish more women writers had or knew about?” Confidence.—Kristen Wolf AROHO is pleased to announce author Kristen Wolf as the finalist Flash Fiction judge for the Fall 2014 Orlando Prizes. We asked Kristen about the values and concerns of historical fiction and for her tips and advice on the writing life: AROHO: In The Way, you use fiction as a porthole into a re-imagined 1st Century...
Deborah Feldman: Orlando Creative Nonfiction Judge
Sometimes when I read something I can hear the writer talking to me, and they sound very specific, very much themselves, and I can picture them in color and detail. This is when reading becomes exciting.—Deborah Feldman AROHO is pleased to announce bestselling author Deborah Feldman as the finalist Creative Nonfiction judge for the Fall 2014 Orlando Prizes. In anticipation of the upcoming competition we asked Deborah the following...