The Q | Entering the Clearing
Entering the Clearing Q: How do you clear space in spirit and in life for your work?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in WAVES, which is also archived on our website and may be shared on social platforms.Name* First Last Address* State /...
The Q | Is Our Art Ever Too Much
Is Our Art Ever Too Much? Q: How do we respond when it floods our boundaries? How can we embody the flood?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in WAVES, which is also archived on our website and may be shared on social platforms.Name*...
The Q | A World of Our Own Making
A World of Our Own Making Q: How does our act of creation challenge our reality?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in WAVES, which is also archived on our website and may be shared on social platforms.Name* First Last Address* State /...
Witness in Your Art
Witness The Q: How does the experience of seeing and being seen manifest in your art?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in WAVES, which is also archived on our website and may be shared on social platforms.Name* First Last Address*...
Ritual in Process
Ritual The Q: Are you aware of a recurrent rhythm—a breath and then a push—to your creative process?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in WAVES, which is also archived on our website and may be shared on social platforms.Name* First...
Dissonance in Being
Dissonance Q: How does dissonance inhabit your creative being?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in WAVES, which is also archived on our website and may be shared on social platforms.Name* First Last Address* State / Province / Region...
Introduce Yourself
Q: When we dare to meet in the deepest pools of creative intention, how will we introduce ourselves?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in digital Waves and Waves archives, which may also be shared on our website and social platform.Name*...
An invitation
We see each woman’s work as a brush stroke in the portrait of creative women. If the way in to our deepest work is by invitation, come, reveal yourself: Q: The invitation my creative heart wants to receive is ____.*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Q: The invitation my creative heart wants to give is ____.*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my...
A question from Maxine Hong Kingston
A question from Maxine Hong Kingston Q: Do we have to make a choice between life and art?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in digital Waves and Waves archives, which may also be shared on our website and social platform.Name* First Last...
A question for creative renewal
Wherever we are in this moment, we ask ourselves: Q: Am I ready? How will I create something on my horizon to look forward to?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in digital Waves and Waves archives, which may also be shared on our website and...
Do You Have a Room of Your Own?
Dear Creative Woman, Do you have a room of your own? We want to hear from you. Find the submit button to the right and share your creative response in art, prose, poem, photograph, essay, music and more.
What Do My Artistic Ancestors Tell Me?
“For the road was cut many years ago … many famous women, and many more unknown and forgotten, have been before me. But this freedom is only a beginning – the room is your own, but it is still bare. It has to be furnished; it has to be decorated; it has to be shared. How are you going to furnish it, how are you going to decorate it? With whom are you going to share it, and upon what terms? These, I think are questions of...