The tide of creative women is rising in waves
This Women’s History Month we are invited to consider the gifts of our hard-won “irrevocably altered vision.” Shaped by heroic journeys and the braid of our collective memory, our circle of sister ancestors shoulder to shoulder with contemporary sister creatives is a tide rising in WAVES. —what haunts us and what we would rather not inhabit, {is} the gulf between what is and what should be. The tool we marshal to cross our gulf...
Just As I Am by Amanda Patrick
“Just As I Am,” by Amanda Patrick Artist, Amanda Patrick, in response to the Q: Who am I as a creative woman? “My creative sweet spot is colored pencil art—a medium that satisfies my love of color, precision, & detail. My work is expressive, colorful, & strongly symbolic, with calligraphic & typographic elements. “Just As I Am” captures the importance of accepting & loving...
Late by Luna Palazzolo
“Late,” by Luna Palazzolo Artist, Luna Palazzolo, in response to the Q: What is your creative origin story? ”I was born and raised in Argentina, but now home is abstract since I moved to the US. My relation to art is exclusive to the intrigue that I feel towards what I can’t see: time and space.’’
A dream that won’t let us sleep. Answer the thumping from within.
This Black History Month, the world is buoyed by the beauty and power of Amanda S. C. Gorman, first National Youth Poet Laureate, and the legacy of Anna Julia Cooper, whose 1892 classic feminist text, A Voice from the South by a Black Woman of the South, argued for both racial and gender equality. Each of us, as creative sisters, has a dream that won’t let us sleep. “I constantly felt (as I suppose many an ambitious girl...
redemption by Valerie Forde-Galvin
“redemption,” by Valerie Forde-Galvin goddess mother left us long ago her waters broke and we were thrust into a different world parched and dry and so we sought another god conceived entirely by the mind of man to rule the sky we see now this god that we created ravaging the earth bringing her to destruction this time not by water but by fire and though we send up prayers offering our sincere...