Palace of Pages
In lean times, we find our sustenance. Feast on “bread and roses” from women in your community who are sharing their creative origin stories. Our resilient pageant continues: in a climate where many art programs are cutting back and communities worldwide are thinking more deeply about how to better take care of each other, we are sustaining open-access submissions this year for any woman who would like to share her story,...
Celebrating 20 Years of Creative Women
In celebration of 20 Years of Creative Women and in the spirit of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment for women’s rights, we begin by inviting you to a year-long pageant of supporting and elevating each other’s voices. Alongside our new monthly series sharing excerpts from the upcoming Waves anthology, together we are sustaining open-access submissions this year for any woman who would like to share her story, her...
A Room of Her Own for the Season
During this season, we understand how full these festive and holy times can be; may the women’s voices and art shared here be a warm beacon. This is one way we make room for ourselves and for each other. Do you have a room of your own? Submit your creative response/work for possible publication with AROHO. Find the “submit” button on this page. Enjoy these creative women’s words and art and truth....
2019 Corazon de Corrales Gift of Fellowship for Two Women
The Corazon de Corrales Gift of Fellowship Dear Creative Woman, We are delighted to share Corazon de Corrales, a bed-and-breakfast in the Village of Corrales, New Mexico, and Charlene Spiegel, the generous woman who is offering a writer’s residency for two women here. On this beautiful secluded acre, Charlene Spiegel has hosted AROHO’s Fire Heart Circle’s annual meetings. We’ve gathered in her rooms,...
“Suddenly the Sun” by Donna Spector; “Room Enough to be Me” by Elizabeth Best; “Heo Nanseolheon” by Yun Suk-nam
“Suddenly the Sun” by Donna Spector comes over the hill behind my house, lights the sun porch, turns my orange and yellow paper flowers to gold, and even the oriental rug from Walmart looks splendid. In these times of turmoil, I am grateful for any moments when there is no new news, no tv, no radio, just two cats purring in the kitchen, and my study quiet and full of dreams. I came to New York from Berkeley, during the...