Do You Have a Room of Your Own?

Do You Have a Room of Your Own?

    Dear Creative Woman, Do you have a room of your own? We want to hear from you. Find the submit button to the right and share your creative response in art, prose, poem, photograph, essay, music and more.    

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What is A Room of Your Own?

What is A Room of Your Own?

“In an environment like mine, what may have seemed too lofty or ambitious in my character was absolutely needed to keep the heart from breaking and enthusiasm from extinction.” — Margaret Fuller, American journalist, editor, and advocate, The Letters of Margaret Fuller   Dear Creative Woman, In considering our ancestors and each other, Margaret’s letters and Virginia’s questions of utmost importance shape...

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Ancestor Maps & Muses

Ancestor Maps & Muses

From an Artistic Ancestor, May Sarton “I wrote poems to and about them [the muses]; I put them into novels … I lived with their faces … I studied them as if they were maps of the world — and in a way, I suppose they were.” — May Sarton, American poet, novelist and memoirist “Portrait of May Sarton” by Polly Thayer, 1936, courtesy of Fogg Art Museum Whether they serve as muses or maps of the world,...

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“Releasing the Sadness” by Midge Guerrera

“Releasing the Sadness” by Midge Guerrera One of my nonna’s mulberry trees was a perfect climbing tree. I’d creep higher and higher into its branches surveying the world as I knew it and dream of other worlds far away. Lots of little girls imagine themselves princesses – twirling, whirling, prancing at the ball and bedazzling a prince or three. Well, I tried to visualize that, but after tripping over a hoe, stepping in...

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“Granddaughter of Stonewall” by Ona Marae

“Granddaughter of Stonewall” by Ona Marae Why do I write? I write because of them. I write because of solemn women, in sensible shoes and fedoras, wearing three articles of women’s clothing. I write because of laughing women, who lean across campfire pits, braving growing flames to hand hot dogs to lovers and friends. I write for herstory documented for lives recorded for stories told and retold. I write because now I am...

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