Shakespeare’s Sister Fellow, Dipika Guha

Shakespeare’s Sister Fellow, Dipika Guha

Dipika Guha of New York, NY, is the recipient of A Room of Her Own Foundation’s first Shakespeare’s Sister Fellowship, a partnership joining A Room of Her Own Foundation (AROHO), Hedgebrook, and The Lark together with award-winning actress, playwright, and author Ellen McLaughlin. This gestational, communal, and developmental fellowship is the trifecta of playwriting opportunities for a female playwright, offering a $10,000 prize and...

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Shakespeare’s Sister, Round 1!

Shakespeare’s Sister, Round 1!

Thank you to all who submitted to the inaugural Shakespeare’s Sister Fellowship for Women Playwrights!  We received an amazing response, with almost 1,000 submissions. Semi-finalists will be notified on September 2nd and invited to submit to the second application round, due September 12th. Each semi-finalist will submit the full play from which her initial 30 page application was excerpted and her response to the following...

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$10,000 Shakespeare’s Sister Playwriting Fellowship

$10,000 Shakespeare’s Sister Playwriting Fellowship

A Room of Her Own is pleased to announce the Shakespeare’s Sister Playwriting Fellowship, an unparalleled opportunity for a woman playwright  living in the United States to hone her craft and develop a new play in the course of a year-long engagement with three world-class organizations. In addition to $10,000 the cash prize, the winner will be awarded a residency with the Hedgebrook community in the spring of 2015, a spot in AROHO’s...

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What if Shakespeare had a sister?

What if Shakespeare had a sister?

  In her classic 1929 essay A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf asks: what if Shakespeare had had a sister? She imagines an artist equal to Shakespeare in genius, different from him only in her sex, and wonders what might have become of her. She suspects that such a playwright would have died in obscurity, her poetry unexpressed. In invoking the stunted life and work of that imaginary playwright, Woolf mourns all the countless...

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