My generation is now the door to memory. That is why I am remembering.
– Joy Harjo, U.S. Poet Laureate
It is clear that we share common ground as women, but our many ancestors present a mosaic of exile, diaspora, conquest, survival and triumph.
We are women remembering – with pride, grief, curiosity, vulnerability, and, most of all, a desire to reconcile our ancestral stories with our own.
What do your ancestors tell you? Find the place to respond to The Q and submit in the side bar.
Read these creative women’s works in full by clicking on their titles.
“I am memories wrapped in dark skin
absorbed by tissue and bone.”
– Katerina Canyon, excerpt from
“Penance,” The Q
“Try to follow the toll of a bell that sings your name
a name rich with the stories of your family, with the stories of your homeland
but even our names are not our own …
our true names sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic.”
– Kenna Pearl, excerpt from
“indigenous to,” The Q

“Ascension” by Rosetta DeBerardinis, The Q