This year’s Global Summer Camp summoned a growing circle of women who crave AROHO’s uniquely personal, artistic program that seamlessly weaves wisdom sharing into the fold of sisterhood.
“AROHO brings me into a circle of artistic friends; like-minded, focused, adventurous women who, by definition, welcome, encourage, and respect me, and the work I do. This gift of inclusion helps me identify as a writer, encouraging me to keep it coming and share my output with the greater world.”— Carol Fox Prescott, Global Summer Camp Wisdom Sharer
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”— Audre Lorde

I am grateful that my writing spirit knew when to pull back and let me heal in other ways. Now, she steps out, big and bold and more inventive and assured and in command than she has ever been. She leaves deep impressions as she walks and knows without looking back that I will fill them.
“Mask” and “What I Have Learned” by Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa, Global Summer Camper
“My Room” by Barbara Presnell, Global Summer Camper
In sum this work is about: The place where I have space that is mine and only mine, where words and pictures come, where thoughts are past and future, right and left, north and south, up and down, clockwise and counterclockwise. My pup and my pencil guide me.
I’ve scrapped enough first drafts to know, for me to process, I have to read my written words on paper, ingest them as my own curative soul food.
Writing is my way of digesting life.
When I recognize what I should write, once I identify the story that needs to be told, I tend to hide. I’ll bury myself in dirty laundry baskets sorting loss and heartache alongside mismatched socks.
I know I’ll never find balance this way.
So, when I find myself in the pantry, sorting my canned goods by alphabetical order or by expiration date, I know there’s an inkblot on my heart, one I’m avoiding stabbing my pen into.
“Procrastination as Part of the Process” by Gina Moriarty, Global Summer Camper
We respond to the call of our times and our community to release the confluence of women’s voices – both from our radiant anthology and from newly submitted work – into shared, published WAVES. With no limit to its future possibilities, we are publishing the anthology – piece by piece – in our monthly WAVES publication, and by digitizing all work from the anthology in the format of an online book serialization.
For WAVES, begin here