My dear women artists.
Here together, we’re generating the faith and the hope that by being together we can help one another make the writing life easier, make the writing life joyous. I remember as a girl – I think I was about eight years old – when I said “Oh, the writer’s life is for me.” And then, not too many years after that, “Oh, why did I want that?”
. . .
Do we have to make a choice between life and art?
“Orlando is the Story of a Writer” by Maxine Hong Kingston

“Acts of Bravery (Day 1 & 3),” image by Lois Bradley
“Acts of Bravery, Day 1 & 3” by Lois Bradley, from Waves: A Confluence of Women’s Voices
It would be easier to allow the current to take me swirling, bobbing about in half-lidded repose. But that is not where my artwork happens. Artwork that means something is not created in a languorous vacuum, but when my mind is tense. Alert. Engaged. Open.
we should have lassoed ourselves together
lashed down to weather the storms
built pulleys to lift our souls
cantilevered them up with those heavy, humid clouds
“we should have” by Carrie Nassif, from Waves: A Confluence of Women’s Voices
“Devotion: Detail of Journal Collage”
We respond to the call of our times and our community to release the confluence of women’s voices – both from our radiant anthology and from newly submitted work – into shared, published WAVES. With no limit to its future possibilities, we are publishing the anthology – piece by piece – in our monthly WAVES publication, and by digitizing all work from the anthology in the format of an online book serialization.
For WAVES, begin here