Letter to AROHO Sisters
Dear AROHO Sisters Some years ago, we wrote that AROHO was a Beacon, a Map, and a Destination. This has come to be. Despite the unthinkable becoming reality year after year, AROHO has remained a source of hope, a path through the forest, and a homecoming for an ever-expanding circle of women. Even more remarkable, this has come to be with an investment of resources (human, spiritual, and monetary) that is sustainable. We find...
Together, Our Life Our Art
My dear women artists. Here together, we’re generating the faith and the hope that by being together we can help one another make the writing life easier, make the writing life joyous. I remember as a girl – I think I was about eight years old – when I said “Oh, the writer’s life is for me.” And then, not too many years after that, “Oh, why did I want that?” . . . Do we have to make a choice between life and art? ...
Acts of Bravery by Lois Bradley
“Acts of Bravery, Day 1 & 3” by Lois Bradley It would be easier to allow the current to take me swirling, bobbing about in half-lidded repose. But that is not where my artwork happens. Artwork that means something is not created in a languorous vaccum, but when my mind is tense. Alert. Engaged. Open. ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Lois Bradley...
Orlando is the Story of a Writer by Maxine Hong Kingston
“ORLANDO IS THE STORY OF A WRITER” BY MAXINE HONG KINGSTON Tuesday, August 11, 2019 (audio file 150811a – 25 m 51s) Transcribed by Tobi Harper Introduction, Kate Gale, Ph.D.: Now that we’re all fully awake, it is my privilege to introduce Maxine Hong Kingston. The work of a great work is that – after you’ve experienced it – you cannot imagine your life without it. Think about your life without...
A Message of Courage, Love and Hope
In an AROHO demitasse . . . we spoke about the reality of our bodies making the art that we make. What sheds off. What’s observed through the window-pane. What’s left. What’s still arriving. What the frequency is. Through these words, typed as dusk falls in East England, the sky an indigo tilt, I send you a message of courage, love and hope. For your practice. For your work. For who you are becoming: alongside the...