Old Woman by Ruth Rifka
“Old Woman” by Ruth Rifka Old woman, always you are the image ahead, woman I’m meant to be. What shall I know before I am quietly you, before I can finger-press my will, my breath my body, mouthings of word, burnt offerings of humble deed. You drive. Urge. It is late. Late. I must learn to plant the minutes. A slow, unwilling pilgrim I travel to you who shall greet me from the last frame in the Hallway....
There Was a Door by Leatha Kendrick
“There Was a Door” by Leatha Kendrick There was a door and her hand on its lever. In too many clothes – her coat’s wide cape collar, her high button shoes, a bonnet heavy and huge whose beruffled lining frames a thin face. Enough to smother a watcher. For more than a century she’s stood, not going through. Was she leaving or coming home? Time has carried her cheekbones into our Susie. Susie running...
She Let Herself Go by George Ella Lyon
“She Let Herself Go” by George Ella Lyon 1. She let herself go soft fat sexual She let herself go to the library to college to extremes She let herself go wild and gray and all the way She let herself go deep go alone go sane She let herself stay She let herself abide by her own rules She let herself out She let herself in Let herself in for it She put down her mask She...