In an AROHO demitasse . . . we spoke about the reality of our bodies making the art that we make. What sheds off. What’s observed through the window-pane. What’s left. What’s still arriving. What the frequency is.
Through these words, typed as dusk falls in East England, the sky an indigo tilt, I send you a message of courage, love and hope. For your practice. For your work. For who you are becoming: alongside the thing that we’re calling the work.
As this year begins, writer-artist-maker-weaver-sculptor, what will you put in the fire?
“Letter For Those Who Were Unable to Attend” by Bhanu Kapil

“Divorce Journals,” image by Martha Donovan
And so, like the woman warrior, I will invent a new self out of words.
“So” by Martha Andrews Donovan, essay and “Divorce Journals” image excerpted from Waves: A Confluence of Women’s Voices
Maxine Hong Kingston coming to February WAVES
This year, I will handle my written work with open hands,
shape it gently, then release it like a dove.
Kerry Kenney
“Waves” by Kimberly Williams
” . . . whose names become like a sea that ebbs in and out of view.”
Judy Chicago on the Heritage Floor of The Dinner Party, inscribed with 999 names of women of achievement
Judy Chicago’s first retrospective at the de Young Museum in San Francisco was international news — the talent of women and art in contested territory. Chicago’s determination to create “a visual language to appeal to a broad audience seemed essential if [she] were to contribute to any meaningful transformation of consciousness.”
We respond to the call of our times and our community to release the confluence of women’s voices – both from our radiant anthology and from newly submitted work – into shared, published WAVES. With no limit to its future possibilities, we are publishing the anthology – piece by piece – in our monthly WAVES publication, and by digitizing all work from the anthology in the format of an online book serialization.