Writing by Nina Pick


“Writing” by Nina Pick


I was jealous of her writing,
the only writing I have ever been jealous of.
— Virginia Woolf, on Katherine Mansfield
I was jealous of her writing,
the only writing I have ever been jealous of.
I was jealous she was writing,
doing the writing I was jealous of.
I was jealous that a part of me was writing
while the other part was silent.
I was jealous of the part that was not writing,
enjoying her morning errands
and barely regretting it.
I was jealous that others didn’t even dream of writing,
that they were free from the pain,
the abscessed wound,
of wanting to write and not writing,
that they could turn so easily
from what was unsaid, that they could
not say it and survive.




Nina Pick’s Artist Statement:

As a creative woman, my deepest need is: Time, space, and presence
As a creative woman, I define my creative identity in the following way: Poet, spiritual counselor, and relationship coach.

Author: A Room of Her Own

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