“Woman Who Glows in the Dark” by Elizabeth Gade
I want the power to face beauty
and not look away
I want to say yes
and believe I deserve it
trauma says
stay small
turn away
you don’t belong
every day is a
decision to face it
and not drown in the fear
to come out
the mud
where I stand
a woman who
glows in the dark
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Elizabeth Gade Artist Statement: Elizabeth Gade is a Minnesota based bisexual poet and human trafficking survivor. Writing is her radical way to connect with fellow survivors. Her poems have been published in View Magazine, The Elevation Review, 300 Days Of Sun, Other Worldly Women Press & more. Elizabeth created LEO Literary Journal, an online journal dedicated to women writers affected by incarceration. www.LeoLiteraryJournal.Weebly.com Connect with her on Instagram @ElizabethGadeThePoet.