What Does It Mean to Be a Creative Woman?


What does it mean to be a creative woman? In the call to gather in a virtual women-led, intention-setting creative workspace

called Global Summer Camp, so many of you responded from around the world that we expanded our original attendance to include more women.

We are from seven different countries and stunningly-diverse backgrounds, and AROHO is galvanized to make more room for more women in gatherings to come.

Congratulations to the Gift of Fellowship recipients for our flagship GSC! If you were unable to make our Summer gathering, please stay tuned for our Global Fall Camp! To see the recipients for The Amanda Gorman Fellowship for one young woman poet of color, The “Voices of Women Artists during the Pandemic” Gift of Fellowship for an international woman mentor and international woman  mentee, and The Global Summer Camp Gift of Fellowship for five registrants, go to our Global Summer Camp Gifts of Fellowship.


“An Artist” by Nancy Iannitelli

Ink and Gold Leaf on Vellum paper, 2020,
in response to “Who Am I as a Creative Woman?”
My spirituality lies in all that is good. I believe my talent is a gift from a greater power than myself. – Nancy Iannitelli

“Diss Track” by Fiona Alwora, excerpt of spoken poetry

Tempting as it is to build a pyre
and be done with it/
Keep those sticks and stones/
Trust me/ Build a bridge
and watch who finds their
way to you.
I was born and raised in Kenya and moved to the US at 19. I went from being a member of the majority to finding my voice as one of an extreme minority. I came to poetry out of necessity. – Fiona Alwora

Author: A Room of Her Own

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