The Unraveling, I by Karen Sides


“The Unraveling, I” by Karen Sides



In sum, this work is about: doing the work of unraveling deeply scarred emotions; facing our inner world with honesty, love, compassion, and strength.

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Karen Sides Artist Statement: 

I love telling stories with my art and am greatly inspired by the energy of nature, the human spirit, and my own personal experiences. I dig deep into the interior spaces of my heart and mind in an attempt to find the raw essence of a story, allowing the free flow of color, line, shape, and texture determine the story fragments and patterns. This ‘in the moment’ process lets the subject matter evolve naturally and honestly, with the story revealing its true self as it goes. It is a wondrous and awe-inspiring means of self exploration.

As an artist, my creative expression is how I am able to live a meaningful life.

Author: A Room of Her Own

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