A Message of Courage, Love and Hope
In an AROHO demitasse . . . we spoke about the reality of our bodies making the art that we make. What sheds off. What’s observed through the window-pane. What’s left. What’s still arriving. What the frequency is. Through these words, typed as dusk falls in East England, the sky an indigo tilt, I send you a message of courage, love and hope. For your practice. For your work. For who you are becoming: alongside the...
Waves by Kimberly Williams
“Waves” by Kimberly Williams Kimberly Williams’ Artist Statement: The ocean and nature is wild and unpredictable, like life. I painted this to remind myself that you can’t control this force. The sea can be rough, choppy, biting, full of predators. But, also calm, warm, glowing, and welcoming.