Samantha Schinder, My Deepest Need, in response to “What is your deepest need?” in The Q

Sacha Rosel, Flowerseeker, in response to “How do I define my creative identity” in The Q

Our Waves, art by Laura Berger

Nora Jane Child, @norajanechild, #womenmakewaves

Samantha Schinder, Women against the World, in response to “What is my deepest need?” in The Q
“My Deepest Need”
Samantha Schinder
An immersion of words
Trickling flow of conjugations stampeding down my limbs
Onto paper like steam
From the sauna of inner release.
I cannot unstick myself
Until the words are sweated out.
Do they make a merry mess?
Sometimes more so than others.
But the process is still the same.
The ritual of relieving
The pent-up letters
Dribbling down the pen
Until a break,
A breath of refreshment, of outside,
As the words melt into place
Or else evaporate into otherness.
Sacha Rosel
Writing is first waiting:
here comes the qi
emerging from the sky
condensing into words
blooming beyond my eye.
Then it’s green sea of possibilities
from my hands and bones,
flooding the page.
Flower neverending.
“Women against the World”
Samantha Schinder
Hammering constantly from all sides.
Help You are not good enough. Help
Us You are not pretty enough. us
Fight. You are not enough. Conquer
Do we
Combat an onslaught
Ragin’ at us from all sides?
The defense against a
Hammer is a shield
But is not a shield
Such a blunt
Ignorant unwieldy
Object? Not
If the
Shield is made
Of a mettle
Instead of metal
Words Combined
As one But many
Voices against the damaging
Torrential down- pour, uplifting us
With words, we may yet win.