Queen Without a Face by Monteque Pope-Le Beau


“Queen Without a Face” by Monteque Pope-Le Beau




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Monteque Pope-Le Beau Artist Statement:

My purpose came late in my life. You see for over 26 years or more, I have been sick most of my life.
Raised by a single mother; she provided a life that was very comfortable and allow me to reach the
heights of my potential. My companions were the literary giants of our library I learned from. It
also helped that I was home schooled! My mother fed my mind and my soul in so many ways. I was
introduced to the world of the arts, culture and travel when I was very young. I had a wonderful life
until sickness hit me. The only one who believed I would recover was my mother. Now I am an artist, a
storyteller, a minimalist, a lover of the environment, the arts and life.


Author: A Room of Her Own

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