Model for a Gazebo from “The Timing of Birds” by Eleftheria Lialios

Model for a Gazebo from “The Timing of Birds” by Eleftheria Lialios

…guide everything in our life. In the visual arts, it makes connections through our visual cortex, bringing up past associative memories stored in our brain. It can help direct the…

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Tissue by Berwyn Moore

Tissue by Berwyn Moore

…lemon thuds to the floor, and she falters, then crumples to her chair, here but not here, the threads of her brain tangling into hard knots. She arrives at the…

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Practice by Alison Hicks

Practice by Alison Hicks

…halved, and again. Ratios that move the small bones of the ear translate resonance to the brain. Lives of sloppy shifts, wrong notes, mistakes in tonality. Late at night in…

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A Meditation on the Wave by Sarah Hahn Campbell

A Meditation on the Wave by Sarah Hahn Campbell

…breathe, dizzy with the being of the sea. I looked and looked and looked. The rhythm of the waves was my heartbeat. The shush of each white crest coming in,…

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Fragments of Anna Dickinson by Sarah Hahn Campbell

Fragments of Anna Dickinson by Sarah Hahn Campbell

…climbing companions. She never slept with a man and she never slept with just one woman. When she wrote love letters to Olive or Susan or Sarah or Lou, she…

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