

brain alone will set us free. but there are no new ideas still waiting in the wings to save us as women, as human. There are only old and forgotten…

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Barb Johnson Awarded 5th Gift of Freedom

Barb Johnson Awarded 5th Gift of Freedom

…in the dreamy stillness, we spin ourselves out into the big night, free of all that weighs us down. Free from the world of difference and sameness. We make what…

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2019 Kipp Crutchfield Artist Fellowship and Stipend

2019 Kipp Crutchfield Artist Fellowship and Stipend

…by writing for free for our local paper and later, for free again, for a larger community paper. I experienced myself as a writer through piles of notebooks filled and…

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The Light Keeper by Ksenia Lisna

The Light Keeper by Ksenia Lisna

…  What does my art mean to me: Coming as I do from a port city and shipbuilding centre in the southern region of Ukraine, the ethos of sea, sky,…

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Raqqa, Syria to Crete by Susan Shaw Sailer

Raqqa, Syria to Crete by Susan Shaw Sailer

  “Raqqa, Syria to Crete” by Susan Shaw Sailer   Doah’s 19, Syrian, working in Egypt all human beings are born free her own town bombed out and equal in…

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