Makara by Kristen Ringman, 2011 Kenny Fries Fellow
In Makara, Ringman celebrates the space between human and animal selves with tenderness and precision.
—Bhanu Kapil
Receiving an AROHO Fellowship allowed me the gift of attending my first weeklong writing retreat, but that wasn’t all. AROHO gave me the space and connections I needed to finally fulfill my life-long dream of becoming a published writer. Without the support and critique of AROHO women, my first novel would have remained my MFA thesis and would not have made it out into the world. I would not be almost finished with my second novel. I would not have the new friends and network of writers around me that I use for continuous inspiration and support in my day-to-day writing life. I am now able to take the personal time and space I need for my writing. AROHO has helped me to believe in myself as a writer and to find the courage to step away from my family and friends when I need step towards my writing. I have confidence in myself that I can, like AROHO, make positive changes in the world and in the lives of other women writers.
—Kristen Ringman