Lisa Lutwyche
Lisa Lutwyche has been a lover of words for as long as she can remember. As a child, Lisa used the words in her books as a way to escape and a way to find company. As a teenager, she learned that she had words of her own to share. Lisa has been a published poet since she was seventeen, publishing in Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and in the United Kingdom. She has taught creative writing and watercolor since 1992 at night, at a community art center (CCArts in Yorklyn, Delaware). She has taught special needs fine and performing arts, as adjunct faculty, at Cecil College in Maryland since early 2008. After attending AROHO in 2009 (and thanks forever to Ellen McLaughlin), Lisa started writing plays and had her first one-act play produced in the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Lisa has a BFA in painting, a BA in Art History, and spent 28 years in corporate architecture and design. A published poet and produced playwright, Lisa is working on her MFA in Creative Writing at Goddard College in Vermont.Desert Delight Contributor.