Epiphany by Patricia S. Wild


“Epiphany” by Patricia S. Wild


It begins in silence
It lies in wait
Curled inside us
It keeps its secrets, breathless
A small sound, a thought
The faintest whisper
It has awakened
We sense…something
Stirring, growing
Like a cobra, a lightning strike, a match to tinder, a trickle turned torrent
It unfurls, shatters, blazes
We are blinded with light, a prismatic explosion, a glittering universe
Realizing we already knew
Were full of it all along
It smiles, breathes deep, finds its curl again
Waits in certainty
Trusting we will weave our magic with it


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Patricia S. Wild Artist Statement: I am a visual artist, educator, expressive arts facilitator, and writer. It has taken me a lifetime to own these appellations, and even now they weigh heavily on my shoulders. Despite three college degrees, plus a post-graduate certificate, a long art teaching career, many publications and art exhibits, the splinter of self-doubt is deeply embedded and all too often an irritant. Yet, I persevere, always hoping for a fruitful exploration of whatever ideas, visions, or inklings are calling me.

Author: A Room of Her Own

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