
We have lost the imagination for what our real lives have been or continue to be, what happens when we go home and close the door on the outside world. Since so many would like us to never mention anything unsettling anyway, the impulse to be quiet, the impulse to deny and pretend, becomes very strong. But the artist knows all about that impulse. The artist knows that it must be resisted. Art is not meant to be polite, secret, coded, or timid. Art is the sphere in which that impulse to hide and lie is the most dangerous. In art, transgression is holy, revelation a sacrament, and pursuing one’s personal truth the only sure validation.

Dorothy Allison

Invention … does not consist in creating out of void but out of chaos.

Mary Shelley

I suppose it was in me … I became almost crazy to make something like the thing which fascinated me.

Edmonia Lewis


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“The Unraveling, I” by Karen Sides

In sum, this work is about: doing the work of unraveling deeply scarred emotions; facing our inner world with honesty, love, compassion, and strength.


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Turn around

and you’ll be grown up



I spun upon myself

turning, spinning

laughing. Proving her wrong.



slow time would

spin as quickly

as I had spun

tight circle around myself.


My mother

is dead now

Her words return

turn and turn


faster and faster

and I am old



I never could

master time’s speed.


“Don’t Rush” by Gail Nyoka


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“My Left Ear” by Stacy Lynn


I write and I paint to understand myself and the world, to observe, to feel, to breathe, to acknowledge the shadows and see all the light. I write and I paint to be clear-eyed and whole-hearted. I write and I paint to be whole.

To have skin cancer and undergo plastic surgery to repair the damage to my left ear was traumatic, but to paint my experience was my power to face my fears, make my peace, and find humor, grace, and gratitude.


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The Q: How does dissonance inhabit your creative being?


Respond Here




I planted a weeping willow and named her Elena.


In her soil,

I buried my anger and shame.


In her leaves,

I whispered all my hopes,

Dreams, and secrets.


In her shade,

I prayed for our forgiveness.


“Elena” by Beverly Hermosillo


I define my creative identity in the following way: Through my poetry, I channel the turmoil and heartbreak I’ve faced, transforming it into narratives of resilience and empowerment. My writing is a reflection of my identity, a testament to survival, and a celebration of the power to heal and thrive.


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I come from a small sanctuary

under a fallen tree on the irrigation ditch


where I came to see every person

under a tree is drinking shade


every person is water

feeding a tree


“I Could Say I Come From” by Elizabeth Cohen


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“Offering of the Ocean Winds” by Nadia Dabul


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Author: A Room of Her Own

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