Delores (Part Two) by Esther Cohen


“Delores (Part Two)” by Esther Cohen


My daughter Josephine
some family I have
they are a reality show
I love every single one
my daughter Josephine
I have six children
baby is 52 that doesn’t qualify
for baby unless
you’re her mother
my daughter Josephine
she is sixty this year
still a wild card she’s the smartest
one of all of them. Had
a baby when she was 17.
My first grandchild. She married Tom
a handsome guy panhandling
on the street in Catskill New York.
The funny thing is I can
imagine that. I saw him the first time
and I said to myself Josephine’s
going to marry Tom.
got to have
a first husband.



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Esther Cohen Artist Statement:

Esther Cohen is a writer and cultural activist who has worked with hundreds of groups
around the country, from migrant workers to Filippino nannies, helping them tell their

Author: A Room of Her Own

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