Charlotte Muse

Charlotte Muse

Charlotte Muse

Charlotte Muse lives, teaches, and writes poetry in Menlo Park, California.   She’s published two chapbooks:   A Story Also Grows (a 2009 Main Street Rag  Editor’s Choice selection.  A handmade letterpress edition was also made by the Chester Creek Press and is now in both the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Rare Book Collections), and The Comfort Teacher  (The Heyeck Press).  She is also co-author of Trio, a collection of poems with Toni Mirosevich and Edward Smallfield (Specter Press).  Her work appears in three recent anthologies:  Room to BreatheThe Place that Inhabits Us, and A Bird Black as the Sun Awards include the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award, the Elinor Benedict Prize, two International Publication Awards from the Atlanta Review, the Yeats Society of New York’s Poetry Prize, and others. These days, she holds private workshops, tutors Hispanic children in reading, and tries to keep a hopeful heart.

Author: A Room of Her Own

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