Scribbling Song by Sandra Inskeep-Fox
“Scribbling Song” by Sandra Inskeep-Fox The scribbling becomes my song: harmonious Scratching of pen on paper, The ink swelling into a picture: Black, bubbling, oneristic voice Whispering “Holy, holy, holy.” Harmony of memory &...
Sages of Haiti by Vanessa Charlot
“Sages of Haiti” by Vanessa Charlot I seek to capture raw beauty in people as they balance their lives between resilience and struggle. ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Vanessa Charlot Artist Statement: I’m a self-taught lesbian documentary photographer from Miami. I had the opportunity to document intimate parts of everyday living in Haiti...
Anath by Gayle Bell
“Anath” by Gayle Bell In the beginning of a time we knew as sacred Friendly enemies at the cornucopia The mark of Cain furiously scrubbed and oiled Laying at bay the darkness the curse of dark continents You ruffled my hair twined in my fist Growl the name my momma shouted You taste like dark mango looked at me all hot eyed I looked at you all hot eyed The moment was air and...
Ophelia’s Flowers by Yvonne Hosey
“Ophelia’s Flowers” by Yvonne Hosey In sum, this work is about: Longing for something to the point of madness, being stifled, belittled and considered just a vessel. ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Yvonne Hosey Artist Statement: I am an artist, a lover of vibrant color, an unabashed feminist, mother by choice and wife. My art means everything...
Vibrations by Jerrice J. Baptiste
“Vibrations” by Jerrice J. Baptiste Mother and daughter still hum together. Their low pitch voices accompany any work of their hands. Peeling of purple skin potatoes. Whipping them until smooth on tongue. They hum over a big breasted bird basting. Butternut squash peeled, simmered, cinnamon & coconut milk added. Mother looks at her daughter. She smiles. In the womb, her body hummed along with her. Their...
Calculation of Angels by Ann-Marie Brown
“Calculation of Angels” by Ann-Marie Brown As a creative woman, my deepest need is: That the paintings I create be seen. ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Ann-Marie Brown Artist Statement: In sum, this work is about: Covid isolation. Housing insecurity. The perseids overhead (which have always looked to me like calculations of angels on an expansive...
The Woman Who Wanted a Child by Holly Karapetkova
“The Woman Who Wanted a Child” by Holly Karapetkova For a short time I walked the earth as a woman, breathed in the scent of gardenias and gasoline, made love to a man. We lived in a small house with a narrow staircase leading upwards into nothing; the second floor was never built. I fed him fresh garlic and parsley from our garden, the smell rising to the top of the staircase where we made love, knees and...
Feed the Demon: From the Femina Ornamentalis Series by Salma Ahmad Caller
“Feed the Demon: From the Femina Ornamentalis Series” by Salma Ahmad Caller What does my art mean to me? My art and writing define me. They are my way of living and being alive. They are how I understand myself and the world I move in. My art and writing, inseparable from each other, arise from a fault line running through my identity. Egyptian father and English mother. Intense confrontation holds...
Birdsong by Tina Bethea Ray
“Birdsong” by Tina Bethea Ray Some people can listen to a bird and know which kind it is I hear birds chirping above my chimney and I think how delighted I am simply to hear them sing because I can’t carry a tune fetch a note utter decent sound from my throat I’d like to sing I long to leave winter for spring land on a branch and cling look over life and flap unencumbered wings my heartbeat flutters like a...
Blue Bird by Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya
“Blue Bird” by Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya Artist Statement: I graduated Academy of Arts in St-Petersburg , Russia in 2000. In late 2001, my works attracted attention of a major Disney affiliated creative artist management agency, which brought me to the States to launch American exhibits of my...
Turquoise by Susan Demiglio
“Turquoise” by Susan Demiglio I am the kind of woman someone should build a pool for. I am the kind of woman some man should build a pool for. I am the kind of woman who appreciates the reflection of the whole sky, one who delights in clouds daffodil yellow, clouds the color of sweet plums, clouds as tall as masted ships and clouds that hold lightning like fireflies in a jar. I will spend my hour of free time...
Delicate by Carol Grannick
“Delicate” by Carol Grannick This is her teacup—hand-painted leaves and flowers with a bouquet of names of borage, chive, chamomile, and tansy. On top, a delicate lid to keep tea warm. This is her teacup, and there she is in her sun room, not as she left it but as she dreamed it could be clean-dusted shelves boasting tidiness. This is her teacup, and she places it down. The desk is almost empty,...
La Dama Violeta Para la Carmen by Helen Hernandez
“La Dama Violeta Para la Carmen” by Helen Hernandez ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Helen Hernandez Artist Statement: I am Helen Hernandez and I am a first generation Salvadoran-American woman born and raised in New York. Most of my adult life I spent in Texas which gave me a rich sense of latino culture. I create through art and words stories about...
My Tribe is Leaving Me by Julane Borth
“My Tribe is Leaving Me” by Julane Borth The only thing worth writing about is the heart in conflict with itself. William Faulkner It’s time rising from deep within is a message I’ve been waiting for clarity has caught up strength has caught up I can see where I’ve been walking in shoes too...
Integration of Selves by Gillian Barlow & Carrie Nassif
“Integration of Selves” by Gillian Barlow & Carrie Nassif This white-out poem is taken from p. 56 of Virgina Woolf’s Orlando, published in 1994 by Chancellor Press. Gillian and I did a lot of experimental poetry using this as our source and this was the favorite of mine. ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Gillian Barlow Artist Statement:...
Ready by Julia Gordon-Bramer
“Ready” by Julia Gordon-Bramer Everything I have done until this point, from birth through this fifty-five years, has been training, my practicum, for what I am about to become. That was the old caterpillar and chrysalis. Now, I rip open the cocoon and spread my wet wings. I am the culmination of all I was. I am bigger than inspiration because now I am doing the dream. No one has to witness my flight for it...
Reverie by Sumner Crenshaw
“Reverie” by Sumner Crenshaw ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Sumner Crenshaw Artist Statement: Summer Crenshaw’s artwork is a narrative blend of abstraction and surrealism, imbued with lines and movement. Hopscotching between genres, Ms.Crenshaw’s work draws on a variety of artistic influences, from Salvador Dali to Shel Silverstein. Ms.Crenshaw earned...
Text Painting of The Wild Geese, Mary Oliver’s Poem by Nancy Cassell
“Text Painting of The Wild Geese, Mary Oliver’s Poem” by Nancy Cassell ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Nancy Cassell Artist Statement: Nancy Fletcher Cassell is a visual artist and writer. Her poems have appeared in Water- Stone Review (finalist Jane Kenyon Poetry Prize), Heartland Review (finalist, Joy Bale Boone poetry Award), Bigger Than They...
Where Did the Wild Girls Go by B Story
“Where Did the Wild Girls Go” by B Story Each woman is born Mother Moon To a tribe of wild girls Who live in the forest between her ribs. They scratch and fight and swim. They swallow sunrises whole, Befriend the wolves, Sleep with their spines Curved along branches, Their feet dangling, And never fear the fall. They live to tear up the world. Where do our wild girls go? When did the forest grow still? He...
Seahorse (excerpt) by Myrna Greenfield
“Seahorse (excerpt)” by Myrna Greenfield As a child, I watched as he slithered into the Atlantic, his crawl accentuated by the high fly of his arms, an easy draw of the sea in his wake. The farther out he went, the quicker my heart beat. He would switch to a float, his body bobbing on his salted bed. I squinted into the Brooklyn sun and fixed my sights on the crown of his head, that tiny, bald spot, as he...