Blue Wave by Diane Sanborn


“Blue Wave” by Diane Sanborn



As a creative woman, I define my creative identity in the following way: After many years of painting, I have learned to engage myself in a conversation with my work and to visually listen to what the painting is telling me. Over the years I have acquired a data bank of visual information that never sleeps. When I work, I hear the voices of instructors that were genuinely interested in guiding me as an eager student. Color and composition are at the forefront of solutions to my visual problems.



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Diane Sanborn Artist Statement: The work is personal and for the most part a solo endeavor, however, the deep need is always to be shared with others. Artists need other artists for survival, support and friendship. The video of “Blue Wave” is a recent collaboration with my sister, a contemporary composer, we connected images and sound together. My recent collaborations can be found on MuseArte Media. YouTube Blue Wave is a Tone Poem inspired by my mixed media painting. Also, there is a documentary to share called Cloudy Figures. Art by Diane Sanborn and music by Susan Fredericks

Author: A Room of Her Own

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