Blue Goddesses by Laura Chaignon


“Blue Goddesses” by Laura Chaignon


I was not born cross-legged
Or blue
Not like Shiva or Amma
But I will give you my love
I will put my lips on your wounds
Swallow the puss
Gorge on your pain

I am no saint
I do not preach
You do not need to kneel

Oh, I will kneel
And liberate you
From the suffering

I will hug the demons out of you
My love is a roaring river
Melting ice, unstoppable

It does not hum whisper purr
It flows and breaks open
It sings at the top of my lungs

My love is power
Because of my nature
Because it only flows the one way
The one pure way
From me, to you

My arms are wide open
They will multiply to hold
All my sisters abroad
With their hair wet with tears
Cheeks hot and weary
I will embrace your hearts
And my palms on your soul
I will proclaim my love

Boundless universal immortal
Meet me where the sun sets.



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Laura Chaignon Artist Statement:

My name is Laura, I am twenty-one years old. I was born in Paris, France and I have
lived in Scotland and in Canada. I have been writing fiction for as long as I could write
properly and nothing makes me feel more purposeful. I am primarily a French speaker, trying
to push myself to publish in English.

I think the title of the anthology really drew my attention because lately I have been
feeling the need to be around creative women, to have a circle of strong, independent women
I could look up to, and I find myself thrilled when I happen to stumble upon such group. The
word “confluence” really resonated in me for that reason.



Author: A Room of Her Own

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