Where Did the Wild Girls Go by B Story

Where Did the Wild Girls Go by B Story

  “Where Did the Wild Girls Go” by B Story   Each woman is born Mother Moon To a tribe of wild girls Who live in the forest between her ribs. They scratch and fight and swim. They swallow sunrises whole, Befriend the wolves, Sleep with their spines Curved along branches, Their feet dangling, And never fear the fall. They live to tear up the world. Where do our wild girls go? When did the forest grow still? He...

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Seahorse (excerpt) by Myrna Greenfield

Seahorse (excerpt) by Myrna Greenfield

  “Seahorse (excerpt)” by Myrna Greenfield   As a child, I watched as he slithered into the Atlantic, his crawl accentuated by the high fly of his arms, an easy draw of the sea in his wake. The farther out he went, the quicker my heart beat. He would switch to a float, his body bobbing on his salted bed. I squinted into the Brooklyn sun and fixed my sights on the crown of his head, that tiny, bald spot, as he...

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Women at the Center by Dorit Netzer

Women at the Center by Dorit Netzer

  “Women at the Center” by Dorit Netzer     This work is about: In 1995-1996 I was an art therapy intern and researcher at a women’s center, where I dedicated my time to facilitating self-reflective creative expression with groups of women, who struggled with challenging life transitions. This collection of portraits, taken from my journal, is brought together 20 years later to acknowledge the courage...

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Creative Legacy by Mary Potter Kenyon

Creative Legacy by Mary Potter Kenyon

  “Creative Legacy” by Mary Potter Kenyon   In Madeleine L’Engle’s A Circle of Quiet, the author chronicles a period of angst in her writing life. She’d hit a dry spell for sales of her work in her thirties. She was looking forward to her fortieth birthday, certain that a new decade would bring about writing success. It plagued her that she’d spent a great deal of time writing without pulling her own weight...

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HOME/Violet by Marianne Murdock

HOME/Violet by Marianne Murdock

  “HOME/Violet” by Marianne Murdock     This work is about: Watercolor of a woman done a long time ago. I now know that I was painting my grandmother, whose home I was in at the time, long after she died.   ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here   Marianne Murdock Artist Statement: Born in Washington, D.C. in 1953, Marianne Murdock has always been a creative being,...

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