Entering the Clearing
To say I was an artist took a lot. Betye Saar … I went in search of the secret that has fed that muzzled and often mutilated, but vibrant, creative spirit that the black woman has inherited and that pops out in wild and unlikely places . . . . Alice Walker _________________________________________________________ WAVES is our generative source, steady and ongoing call to each...
Scribbling Song by Sandra Inskeep-Fox
“Scribbling Song” by Sandra Inskeep-Fox The scribbling becomes my song: harmonious Scratching of pen on paper, The ink swelling into a picture: Black, bubbling, oneristic voice Whispering “Holy, holy, holy.” Harmony of memory &...
The Q | Entering the Clearing
Entering the Clearing Q: How do you clear space in spirit and in life for your work?*Responses will be curated and may be shared with permission.Permission* Yes, I give my permission Show Full AgreementBy submitting your response, you are granting AROHO permission for possible publication – in whole or excerpts – in WAVES, which is also archived on our website and may be shared on social platforms.Name* First Last Address* State /...
Sages of Haiti by Vanessa Charlot
“Sages of Haiti” by Vanessa Charlot I seek to capture raw beauty in people as they balance their lives between resilience and struggle. ____________________ Share your response to this work, in any form, here Vanessa Charlot Artist Statement: I’m a self-taught lesbian documentary photographer from Miami. I had the opportunity to document intimate parts of everyday living in Haiti...
Anath by Gayle Bell
“Anath” by Gayle Bell In the beginning of a time we knew as sacred Friendly enemies at the cornucopia The mark of Cain furiously scrubbed and oiled Laying at bay the darkness the curse of dark continents You ruffled my hair twined in my fist Growl the name my momma shouted You taste like dark mango looked at me all hot eyed I looked at you all hot eyed The moment was air and...