
100% of the sales from Brain Pickings fantastic artist series are generously donated to AROHO. Support their work, as they support all of us, and enjoy a good brain picking!
Would your art not be what it is—or simply not be—without AROHO or this circle of women?
Honor this radical connection by sharing the story with us.
Find our favorite AROHO Stories (along with the art they birthed) here at AROHO Art.
2013 Visual & Video Artists in Residence: Karina Puente & Rebecca Scheckman
AROHO’s 2013 Visual Artist in Residence, Karina Puente, drew the portrait of 15 writers on one page. With the help of videographer, Rebecca Scheckman, the artist compiled video footage of the drawing process resulting in a stop-motion animation of women’s faces morphing in and out of each other. Over a three day period, fifteen writers sat for the artist at different times and experienced a similar theme: each woman is filled with stories and when truly seen, each writer can tell her tale. The drawings dissolved -like memories- into one final image. One Woman. With stories revealed.
Video Artist, Rebecca Scheckman, additionally worked with a variety of women during the retreat to record them reading their work for the camera.
Rebecca comments: Summer 2013 I was invited as an Artist in Residence at the A Room of Her Own (AROHO) writer’s retreat. While I was there documenting both Karina Puente’s portrait animation, as well as the community, I decided to also create a storytelling game. While the women sat for Karina, I recorded them telling one collaborative and continous story. Each time they sat down, I told them the last statement or word from the last person’s part of the story. They then had to continue the story and bring their own perspective to it. I think of it as a way to play with oral story telling, and community collaboration.
Here is a sampling of the images and stories Rebecca captured during the week:
2013 Video Artist in Residence: Anita Clearfield
Video Artist in Residence, Anita Clearfield, collaborated to make art projects with four writers at the 2013 retreat: Liz Murata, Nicelle Davis, Tammi J. Truax and Meander Fiadhiglas.
Clearfield comments: These four projects represent a variety of ways of working that fit the creative temperaments and styles of the participants. Their writing was the jumping-off point for imagery, action, sounds and further writing…resulting in the pieces you see here…Truly the third collaborator in each piece was the land, water, sky, plants and animals that opened to us and allowed us to be our fullest selves for a short while there. At one point Bhanu Kapil came by our river bed and blessed the place and us as we worked. Returning to my home in Maine, so opposite from New Mexico, I was even more fully aware of how important the place was to the essence of these projects.
[ezcol_1quarter]My Story: A Fiction
Poetry by Liz Murata and Video by Anita Clearfield
Additional Special Effects by Geoffrey Leighton
[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1quarter]The First Hour of Being Buried Alive in the Walls of a Half-Built Cathedral
Poetry by Nicelle Davis, Video by Anita Clearfield and Music by Silke Matzpohl
Additional Special Effects by Geoffrey Leighton
[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1quarter]Bone Vision
Poetry by Tammi J. Truax and Video by Anita Clearfield
Additional Special Effects by Geoffrey Leighton
[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_1quarter_end]Estuary of Red
Poetry by Meander Fiadhiglas and Video by Anita Clearfield
Additional Special Effects by Geoffrey Leighton
2011 Video Artist in Residence: Lindsay Jaeger
AROHO’s 2011 Video Artist in Residence, Lindsay Jaeger produced a Documentary Short from the footage she captured during the Retreat. Combining excerpts from AROHO’s founding story, keynote by Marilynne Robinson, discussions, workshops and evening readings set against the majestic landscape of Ghost Ranch, Lindsay creates a unique view of AROHO’s Retreat for Women Writers.
2011 Visual Artist-In-Residence Susan King
Combining imagery and text, 2011 Visual Artist-In-Residence, Susan King, created the online book Borrowed Landscape: finding our place in O’Keeffe’s New Mexico. Susan King met Georgia O’Keeffe in the summer of 1973. Her creative project, an art book, illustrates her journey back to Ghost Ranch for the AROHO Retreat in 2011, reflections on her relationship with the New Mexican landscape, and the collective journey of other women to arrive in the space.