Anne Beaufort

Anne Beaufort

Anne Beaufort

Anne Beaufort is a professor at University of Washington Tacoma, where she teaches creative nonfiction, among other courses, and professional development seminars for faculty who want to use writing effectively in their courses.  Following ten years working in corporate communications, Anne did doctoral research on the issue of writers developing expertise in multiple genres.  This led to two academic publications, Writing in the Real World and College Writing and Beyond: A New Framework for University Writing Instruction.  Her current research interests include therapeutic and spiritually-based ways of using writing and the interconnections of visual and verbal arts as tools for probing our inner lives.  She has been part of a writing group for over ten years, which has led to a file drawer full of creative nonfiction shorts, lyric essays, and prose poems that she is now working on polishing and submitting to literary journals. Four of her shorts have been published in UWT’s literary magazine,Tahoma West.  She also coaches writers and teaches writing workshops at Pendle Hill Conference Center and Sitka Center for Art and Ecology.

Author: A Room of Her Own

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