Jeanette Eberhardy

J.Eberhardy Photo 1inch B&WJeanette Luise Eberhardy is a teacher, writer, and storyteller. She serves as the Program Director for 1st Year Writing, and Assistant Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. In October, 2014, at the 17th Global WIN Conference in Berlin, Eberhardy gave the opening address to 1,000 women leaders: “Your Story Matters.” Eberhardy has taught storytelling skills to emerging leaders, including youth, women in business, global activists and entrepreneurs—in Egypt, Sweden, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, and the U.S.

For the past three years, Eberhardy has been studying the practices of global thinkers for her book Creating Meaningful Work which profiles activists, artist, and entrepreneurs—working in Brazil, Zimbabwe, India, Norway, and the U.S.—who have successfully integrated work, education and life purpose.

Eberhardy publishes her inter-essays (a hybrid form of thought provoking interviews & essays) at You will find her essay on nature writer & social activist Terry Tempest Williams on “Writing as an Act of Living,” Brevity Issue 41.

Eberhardy is writing about her unique teaching practices—integrating image and work to cross cultures—with coauthor Dan Serig. They have two book proposals under review: Why I Write. Why I Create. Global art students show how they express themselves; Making, Thinking, Writing: Interdisciplinary education with global implications.

Trained in Social Ecology, Eberhardy learned the value of interdisciplinary work to access new insights for today’s education and work challenges. Currently she is training in NonViolent Communication skills across race, ethnicity, and class. Eberhardy holds a PhD in Educational Psychology and an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing. Eberhardy feels that her greatest teachers have been her two daughters, Katie and Kika.

Jeanette Eberhardy can be reached at:

Author: A Room of Her Own

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