Meander W. Fiadhiglas
Mea is a fiber artist, photographer, and poet. She began blogging in 2009. Her one published article appeared in Tapestry Topics, the newsletter of the American Tapestry Alliance, Summer 2011. Native to Chicagoland, Mea now lives in Maryland. Her bachelor’s degree is in geography. Most of her jobs were clerical; four years as an environmental scientist changed everything. Now she’s exploring the idea of partnering with water: being in right relationship with her watershed, and being a good neighbor to nonhumans and humans. Her earliest memory occurred in Albuquerque. New Mexico is the first place she became deeply attached to, and it’s hard for her to not think of herself as a native child of it, despite having never lived there. She retains lifelong interests in mountains, lizards, and sopaipillas. She is ecstatic to be returning to New Mexico for the first time since 1983.