Scribbling Song by Sandra Inskeep-Fox


“Scribbling Song” by Sandra Inskeep-Fox


The scribbling becomes my song: harmonious

Scratching of pen on paper,

The ink swelling into a picture:

Black, bubbling, oneristic voice


                            “Holy, holy, holy.”


Harmony of memory & dreams

Each night in a grateful waltz comes welcoming, sorting;

Lasket to sleep’s swollen soporific holy space


Holy, holy, holy: the three part harmony

      The work of sitting,

      The work of waiting,

      The work of tracing the far-out fin

And the shark’s path

Scribbling across the ocean.


And the work of solitude, the most holy

And to be praised in every morning’s silence




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Sandra Inskeep-Fox Artist Statement:

I am woman, old woman, alive to past, present, future. I experience all dimensions of time to the fullest when I am writing, and live those dimensions in real time as wife, mother, grandmother, friend, mentor and colleague. Words have been my link to all worlds, spilling out for 82 years the need to connect, to understand, to participate in the Great Mystery others call God.

Writing is my path to understanding, to internalizing wholeness.

At 82 I am a collage of all the women I have known, from the strong women whose mitochondria I carry, the friends I have known, the friends I still make and love, the women whose works I read, the poetry of women long dead, and in the laughter and struggles of daughter and granddaughter.

Author: A Room of Her Own

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