Seamstress by Frankie Francis


“Seamstress” by Frankie Francis


When I take the time
to slow down,
meet myself where I’m at,
I discover
how my heart
only longs
for one thing:


Peace that comes
from closing wounds.
Wounds spill open,
slowly ooze
over crumbling walls,
flooding the past,
vacating love.

Peace that comes
from accepting my demons,
knowing the shadows
are not me.
They are figments,
they are fables.

Peace that comes
from finding joy
where I’m at,
in this moment,
in these circumstances,
because there is only
right here,
right now—
only me.

So I sit,
legs folded,
hands open,
eyes shut softly,
heart gaped wide,
and make the decision
to stay.

I thread a needle
hot from the flame
and carefully
stitch halves,
tiny pieces
to whole,
to completion.
I will not fade away.

Then I wipe my hands
of the bloodstains.
I am healing,
I am curing
all that was
before I chose
to stop,
to stitch,
to stay.



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Frankie Francis Artist Statement:

As a creative woman, I define myself as a truthseeker, storyteller, and creative who expresses myself through writing, active listening, and conversation. I am an old soul with a deep curiosity for the connection of all things, spirituality, the divine feminine, sisterhood, and creating safe spaces for all women to be a witnesses to life and express themselves freely. I come from a lineage of multicultural ancestors who have influenced my worldview and challenged my perceptions of love, autonomy, and purpose. I am deeply inspired by nature, propelled by self-growth, and guided by my intuition and commitment to spreading light.

Author: A Room of Her Own

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