Embodiment (detail) by Lisa Naas


“Embodiment (detail)” by Lisa Naas



“Embodiment (detail),” image by Lisa Naas



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Lisa Naas Artist Statement: 

Currently pursuing her PhD in the School of Design at the University of Edinburgh, Lisa holds her MFA in
Glass from Edinburgh College of Art (2015). Her research explores the creative process at the intersection of
disciplines through a lyric inquiry, incorporating poetry, prose, and metaphor. She uses her creative practice in
glass as a springboard for modeling a combinatorial approach to the medium itself, as well as to idea
production. Her practice pushes glass in new directions and her collaborative work combining glass, sound,
and engineering earned the Ingenious Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering. She won the
Principal’s Career Development Award from the University of Edinburgh to support her doctoral
studies. Formerly based in New England, USA, Lisa’s experience includes formal training in studio art and art
history as well as extensive work with the Tanglewood Music Festival, where she met her husband, composer
David Faleris.


Author: A Room of Her Own

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